
Ajaykumar would welcome new artistic and research collaborations with with galleries, museums, other artists,  art and health organsiations, and social groups with shared interests.

For example, inmates of hospitals or prisons may not have access to resources to upload art work. Others may not have technical skills. In this case it may be possible to arrange for Ajaykumar to come to your hospital, organisation etc. to photograph, scan, or record work, which he will then upload on to the site.

Ajaykumar would also like to develop educational inter-action specific to the needs of your organisation or context. Contact him to discuss:

Ajaykumar is happy to create links to your sites. Just get in touch.

Ajaykumar would like to thank organsiations who have assisted, supported and/or are supporting the project in various ways, including (in alaphabetical order):

Afiya Trust

Arts & Health South West

Artists in Mind

Core Arts

Creative Lewisham Agency

Disability Arts Online

Disability Cultural Projects

Diverse Minds/Diverse Minds magazine

London Borough of Lewisham, Arts Service

London Disability Arts Forum/ art disability culture magazine

MDF The BiPolar Organisation/Pendulum magazine

Mental Health Media


National BME Mental Health Network
